remission of labor
1remission — /ri mish euhn/, n. 1. the act of remitting. 2. pardon; forgiveness, as of sins or offenses. 3. abatement or diminution, as of diligence, labor, intensity, etc. 4. the relinquishment of a payment, obligation, etc. 5. Med. a. a temporary or… …
2recess — n. 1. Retreat, nook, corner, niche, place of retirement. 2. Intermission, respite, remission of labor, suspension of business, vacation. 3. Withdrawing, withdrawal, retreat, retirement, recession. 4. Seclusion, privacy. 5. Departure …
3Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union — Soviet Union …
4Colitis Ulcerosa — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 K51. Colitis ulcerosa K51.0 Ulzeröse (chronische) Enterokolitis K51.1 Ulzeröse (chron …
5Darmkatarrh — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 K51. Colitis ulcerosa K51.0 Ulzeröse (chronische) Enterokolitis K51.1 Ulzeröse (chron …
6Ulcerative colitis — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 K51. Colitis ulcerosa K51.0 Ulzeröse (chronische) Enterokolitis K51.1 Ulzeröse (chron …
7Colitis ulcerosa — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 K51. Colitis ulcerosa K51.0 Ulzeröse (chronische) Enterokolitis K51.1 …
8Christianity in the 11th century — Medallion of Christ from Constantinople, circa. 1100. Main article: History of medieval Christianity See also: Christianity in the 10th century and Christianity in the 12th century In 1054, following the death of the Patriarch of Rome Leo IX …
9Huldreich Zwingli — Ulrich Zwingli Ulrich Zwingli, peinture à l huile de Hans Asper, 1531; Kunstmuseum Winterthur. Ulrich Zwingli on trouve aussi Huldreich Zwingli et Huldrych Zwingli, et même Zwingle ou Zvingle ou encore Zuingle Haudry, en francisant (1484 1531)… …
10Huldrych Zwingli — Ulrich Zwingli Ulrich Zwingli, peinture à l huile de Hans Asper, 1531; Kunstmuseum Winterthur. Ulrich Zwingli on trouve aussi Huldreich Zwingli et Huldrych Zwingli, et même Zwingle ou Zvingle ou encore Zuingle Haudry, en francisant (1484 1531)… …