pass judgment

  • 131pronounce — v 1. enunciate, articulate, vocalize, voice, enounce; say, utter, express, breathe, give or let out, come out with; (all of speech) garble, confuse, mispronounce, clip, Fig. butcher, Fig. mutilate. 2. affirm, assert, aver, asseverate, avow,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 132sentence — n 1.Law.a. condemnation, decree, ruling, judgment, Sl. rap.b. punishment, prison term, term, Sl. time, Sl. stint, Sl. stretch, Sl. stretch up the river, Sl. stretch in the can, Sl. vacation. v 2. pass judgment, pronounce sentence, pass sentence… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder