or obloquy
1obloquy — I noun abasement, abuse, abusive language, accusation, animadversion, aspersion, berating, blame, castigation, censure, chastisement, chiding, contempt, criticism, debasement, defamation, degradation, denunciation, derision, derogation, diatribe …
2Obloquy — Ob lo*quy ([o^]b l[ o]*kw[y^]), n. [L. obloquium, fr. obloqui. See {Oblocutor}.] 1. Censorious speech; defamatory language; language that casts contempt on men or their actions; blame; reprehension. [1913 Webster] Shall names that made your city… …
3obloquy — (n.) mid 15c., evil speaking, from L.L. obloquium speaking against, contradiction, from obloqui to speak against, contradict, from ob against (see OB (Cf. ob )) + loqui to speak, from PIE *tolkw /*tlokw to speak (see …
4obloquy — 1 *abuse, vituperation, invective, scurrility, billingsgate Analogous words: censuring or censure, condemning or condemnation, denouncing or denunciation, criticizing or criticism (see corresponding verbs at CRITICIZE): calumny, *detraction,… …
5obloquy — [n] calumny abuse, animadversion, aspersion, bad press, censure, criticism, defamation, disgrace, humiliation, ignominy, insult, invective, reproach, slander, vituperation; concepts 271,277,278 …
6obloquy — ► NOUN 1) strong public condemnation. 2) disgrace brought about by public condemnation. ORIGIN from Latin obloqui speak against …
7obloquy — [äb′lə kwē] n. pl. obloquies [ME obliqui < LL obloquium < L obloqui, to speak against < ob (see OB ) + loqui, to speak] 1. verbal abuse of a person or thing; censure or vituperation, esp. when widespread or general 2. ill repute,… …
8Obloquy — Wikipedia does not have an encyclopedia article for Obloquy (search results). You may want to read Wiktionary s entry on obloquy instead.wiktionary:Special:Search/obloquy …
9obloquy — noun 1) he was able to control the press of New York City, so as to hold me up to obloquy Syn: vilification, opprobrium, vituperation, condemnation, denunciation, abuse, criticism, censure, defamation, denigration, calumny, insults; informal… …
10obloquy — noun /ˈɒbləˌkwi,ˈɔːbləˌkwi/ a) Abusive language It is surprising, therefore, that this philosophy, which, in almost every instance, must be harmless and innocent, should be the subject of so much groundless reproach and obloquy. b) Disgrace… …