movement to the front

  • 61Front Algérie Française — The Front de l Algérie Française (French Algerian Front, FAF) was a political and militant movement in favour of French Algeria, created in 1960 in Algiers. Its founder was Said Boualam.In a short time, the organisation had 400,000 members and by …


  • 62The Blekinge Street Gang — ( da. Blekingegadebanden) (December 1972 to May 1989) was a group of ten communist political activists who during the 1970s and 80s committed a number of highly professional robberies in Denmark and sent the money to the Popular Front for the… …


  • 63Front for a Country in Solidarity — The Front for a Country in Solidarity (Spanish: Frente por un País Solidario or FrePaSo) was a political party in Argentina. It was formed in 1994 out of the Great Front ( Frente Grande ), which had been founded mainly by progressive members of… …


  • 64The Seneca Women's Encampment for a Future of Peace and Justice — The Seneca Women’s Encampment for a Future of Peace and Justice was also referred to as the Encampment, the Women’s Encampment, the Women s Peace Camp, the Peace Camp, the Women s Encampment for a Future of Peace and Justice, the girls at the… …


  • 65Movement for Environmental Education and Sustainable Development — The Movement for Environmental Education and Sustainable Development (in French, Rassemblement pour l éducation à l environnement et au développement durable) is a political party in Mali. It contested the presidential election on 29 April 2007… …


  • 66The Russian Revolution and the Emancipation of Women — The roles of Russian women have changed drastically because of the revolution. The women were given more freedom and therefore were successful in achieving independence followed by a higher standing in society. Before the 1917 revolution, women… …


  • 67Front for the Advancement and Progress of Haïti — The Front for the Advancement and Progress of Haiti (FRAPH) ( fr. Front pour l Avancement et le Progrès Haitien) was a paramilitary group organized in mid 1993. Its goal was to undermine support for the popular Catholic priest Jean Bertrand… …


  • 68The Netherlands —     The Netherlands     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Netherlands     (Germ. Niederlande; Fr. Pays Bas).     The Netherlands, or Low Countries, as organized by Charles V, under whom the Burgundian era ended, comprised practically the territory… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 69The Two Faces of War — (As duas faces da guerra in Portuguese) is a documentary shot in Guiné Bissau, Cape Verde and Portugal, which includes a series of interviews and testimonies of people who lived through the colonial period of the war / liberation in Guinea Bissau …


  • 70Movement for Democratic Change Congress 2005 — The second Movement for Democratic Change congress was held in Harare on the 18th March 2006. [cite news|title=MDC national Congress|publisher=irinnews|url=|accessdate =] The CongressAccording to… …
