method of treatment

  • 1method of treatment — index cure Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …

    Law dictionary

  • 2Treatment of Crohn's disease — involves first treating the acute symptoms of the disease, then maintaining remission. Treatment initially involves the use of medications to eliminate infections, generally antibiotics, and reduce inflammation, generally aminosalicylate anti… …


  • 3method — method, mode, manner, way, fashion, system are comparable when they denote the means taken or the plan or procedure followed in doing a kind of work or in achieving an end. Method may denote either an abstraction or a concrete procedure, but in… …

    New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • 4treatment — [n1] medical care analysis, cure, diet, doctoring, healing, hospitalization, medication, medicine, operation, prescription, regimen, remedy, surgery, therapeutics, therapy; concept 310 Ant. harm, hurt, injury treatment [n2] handling of entity,… …

    New thesaurus

  • 5method — (n.) early 15c., regular, systematic treatment of disease, from L. methodus way of teaching or going, from Gk. methodos scientific inquiry, method of inquiry, investigation, originally pursuit, a following after, from meta after (see META (Cf.… …

    Etymology dictionary

  • 6treatment — [trēt′mənt] n. 1. act, manner, method, etc. of treating, or dealing with, a person, thing, subject in art or literature, etc. 2. medical, surgical, or cosmetic care, esp. a systematic course of this 3. Film, TVFilm TV an outline or prose summary… …

    English World dictionary

  • 7Treatment for depression — Depression, for the purposes of this article, refers to the mental disorder known as major depressive disorder. This kind of depression is a recognised clinical condition and is becoming a common condition in developed countries, where up to 20%… …


  • 8treatment — n. care cure 1) to administer, give, provide treatment 2) to get, receive, undergo treatment 3) to respond to treatment 4) inpatient; medical; outpatient; radiation; shock treatment 5) treatment for (to undergo treatment for alcoholism) 6) under… …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 9Treatment of schizophrenia — The concept of a cure as such in the treatment of schizophrenia remains controversial, as there is no consensus on the definition of treatment in the case of schizophrenia, although some criteria for the remission of symptoms have recently been… …


  • 10Treatment of human head lice — The treatment of human head lice is a process that has been debated and studied for centuries. However, the number of cases of human louse infestations (or pediculosis) has increased worldwide since the mid 1960s, reaching hundreds of millions… …
