making up

  • 31making — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English macung, from macian to make Date: 12th century 1. the act or process of forming, causing, doing, or coming into being < spots problems in the making > 2. a process or means of advancement or&#8230; …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 32Making Of — Zu diesem Stichwort gibt es keinen Artikel. Möglicherweise ist „Making of“ gemeint. Kategorie: Wikipedia:Falschschreibung …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 33making — noun Process of growth or development. As a child he didn’t seem like a genius in the making …


  • 34Making of — Ma|king of [meɪkiŋ ɔv], das; [engl.] (Film Jargon): [filmischer] Bericht über die Entstehung u. Produktion eines Films: Spezialeffekte wie die fliegenden Autos in den Straßen der Großstadt werden in einem 23 minütigen »Making of« ... erläutert&#8230; …


  • 35making — noun Making is used after these nouns: ↑film, ↑policy …

    Collocations dictionary

  • 36Making-of — Ma|king of [meikiŋ...] das; [s], [s] &LT;aus engl. making [»Herstellung« u. of (sth.) »von (etwas)«]&GT; [Dokumentation über die] Herstellung, Entstehung einer Sache (z. B. eines Films, einer Tonaufzeichnung) …

    Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • 37making — mak•ing [[t]ˈmeɪ kɪŋ[/t]] n. 1) the act of a person or thing that makes 2) structure; constitution; makeup 3) the means or cause of success or advancement: His first job at the factory was the making of him[/ex] 4) Usu., makings. capacity;&#8230; …

    From formal English to slang

  • 38making it —  Becoming successful.  ► “Making it is relative, though, and even the most optimistic estimates are now a far cry from the original BULLISH projections.” (Wall Street Journal, July 19, 1996, p. R6) …

    American business jargon

  • 39making up — sudarymas statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Mokslinio, metodinio ar mokomojo proceso elementas, kai iš turimos medžiagos ar jos dalių, veiksmų, požymių ar įvykių parengiamas kuriam nors tikslui reikalingas objektas, sąlygos ar situacija, pvz …

    Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas

  • 40Making the Band — Format Reality Created by Lou Pearlman Jonathan Murray Mary Ellis Bunim Andrew Marek No. of seasons 12 (four iterations with three seasons each) No. of episodes 142 total 43 (Making the Band) 33 (Making the …
