make useful
1make yourself useful — spoken phrase to do something to help Could you make yourself useful and get Jenny some coffee? Thesaurus: to help someonesynonym Main entry: useful …
2Make Your Own Damn Movie! — Make Your Own Damn Movie!: Secrets of a Renegade Director   Author(s) …
3make oneself useful — index pander Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
4make something count — phrase to make something have as useful and positive an effect as possible You only get one chance, so you have to make it count. Thesaurus: to make something possiblesynonym Main entry: count …
5make-work — ☆ make work [māk′wʉrk΄ ] adj., n. (designating) a job, project, or assignment that serves no useful purpose other than to give an otherwise idle or unemployed person something to do …
6useful — use|ful W1S1 [ˈju:sfəl] adj helping you to do or get what you want ≠ ↑useless ▪ The book is full of useful information. ▪ Bar charts are a useful way of looking at sets of figures. ▪ The Internet is becoming a useful tool for investors. useful… …
7useful — use|ful [ jusfəl ] adjective *** helpful for doing or achieving something: Here s some useful information about travel in Canada. a useful tool/technique/gadget Her book is a useful contribution to our understanding of how Mozart worked. useful… …
8useful — adj. VERBS ▪ be, look, prove, seem ▪ become ▪ make yourself ▪ She told Fred to make himself useful …
9useful — / ju:sfFl/ adjective 1 helping you to do or get what you want: useful information | Dean s a really useful person to have around when things go wrong. | useful to sb: information that may be useful to the enemy | useful for sth: These yellow… …
10Useful space principle — The Useful Space Principle, or USP , was first articulated in a series of six articles in The Bridge World, from November 1980 through April 1981. (The International Bridge Press Association awarded its 1981/1982 award for Best Article or Series… …