make pure

  • 61chas´ten|er — chas|ten «CHAY suhn», transitive verb, 1. to punish to improve; correct; discipline; chastise: »God chastened Job. 2. Figurative. to restrain from excess or crudeness; moderate; temper; subdue. 3 …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 62chas|ten — «CHAY suhn», transitive verb, 1. to punish to improve; correct; discipline; chastise: »God chastened Job. 2. Figurative. to restrain from excess or crudeness; moderate; temper; subdue. 3 …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 63distill — verb 1. remove impurities from, increase the concentration of, and separate through the process of distillation (Freq. 3) purify the water • Syn: ↑purify, ↑sublimate, ↑make pure • Derivationally related forms: ↑distill …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 64Alkaline fuel cell — The alkaline fuel cell (AFC), also known as the Bacon fuel cell after its British inventor, is one of the most developed fuel cell technologies and is the cell that flew Man to the Moon. NASA has used alkaline fuel cells since the mid 1960s, in… …


  • 65decontaminate — verb absterge, antisepticize, clean, cleanse, depurate, deterge, disinfect, fumigate, hygienize, lustrate, make aseptic, make disease free, make germ free, make healthful, make hygienic, make innoxious, make pure, make salubrious, make wholesome …

    Law dictionary

  • 66Уильямс, Робби — Робби Уильямс Robbie Williams На концерте в Сиднее …


  • 67purée — /pyoo ray , ree , pyoor ay/, n., v. puréed, puréeing. n. 1. a cooked food, esp. a vegetable or fruit, that has been put through a sieve, blender, or the like. 2. a soup made with ingredients that have been puréed. v.t. 3. to make a purée of. Also …


  • 68purge — purge1 [pə:dʒ US pə:rdʒ] v [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: purgier, from Latin purgare to make pure , from purus; PURE] 1.) [T] to force people to leave a place or organization because the people in power do not like them purge sth of… …

    Dictionary of contemporary English

  • 69purée — pu•rée or pu•ree [[t]pyʊˈreɪ, ˈri[/t]] n. v. réed, rée•ing 1) coo a thick liquid or pulp prepared from cooked vegetables, fruit, etc., passed through a sieve or broken down in a blender or similar device 2) coo a soup made of puréed ingredients… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 70purify — pu•ri•fy [[t]ˈpyʊər əˌfaɪ[/t]] v. fied, fy•ing 1) to make pure; free from pollutants or contaminants 2) to free from extraneous or objectionable elements 3) to free from guilt or evil 4) rel to make clean for ceremonial or ritual use 5) to become …

    From formal English to slang