make conform
1conform — Synonyms and related words: abide by, accommodate, accommodate with, accord, act up to, adapt, adapt to, adhere to, adjust, adjust to, agree, agree in opinion, agree with, answer to, assent, assimilate to, assort with, attend to, attend to orders …
2conform — [v1] adjust, adapt accommodate, attune, be guided by, clean up act*, comply, coordinate, don’t make waves*, don’t rock the boat*, fall in with, fit, follow, follow beaten path*, follow the crowd, go by the book*, go with the flow*, harmonize,… …
3conform — con·form /kən fȯrm/ vi: to be in accordance: correspond in character; specif: to be in accordance with the provisions of a contract con·for·mance /kən fȯr məns/ n con·for·mi·ty /kən fȯr mə tē/ n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Web …
4Conform — Con*form , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Conformed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Conforming}.] [F. conformer, L. conformare, formatum; con + formare to form, forma form. See {Form}.] To shape in accordance with; to make like; to bring into harmony or agreement with; …
5conform — mid 14c., confourmen, from O.Fr. conformer conform (to), agree (to), make or be similar, be agreeable (13c.), from L. conformare to fashion, to form, to shape; educate; modify, from com together (see COM (Cf. com )) + formare to form (see FORM… …
6conform / confirm — Conform means to be similar to : In some schools, students must conform by wearing uniforms. Confirm is to make sure or double check: to confirm a flight reservation …
7conform / confirm — Conform means to be similar to : In some schools, students must conform by wearing uniforms. Confirm is to make sure or double check: to confirm a flight reservation …
8conform — [kən fôrm′] vt. [ME conformen < OFr conformer < L conformare, to fashion, form < com , together + formare, to FORM] 1. to make the same or similar [to conform one s idea to another s] 2. to bring into harmony or agreement; adapt: often… …
9make uniform — index conform, juxtapose, regulate (adjust) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
10conform — con|form [ kən fɔrm ] verb intransitive * 1. ) to behave in a way that people think is correct or suitable: Part of her charm was her refusal to conform. 2. ) conform to/with to obey something such as a rule or law: Products are always tested to… …