in confusion

  • 111confusion agent — An individual who is dispatched by the sponsor for the primary purpose of confounding the intelligence or counterintelligence apparatus of another country rather than for the purpose of collecting and transmitting information …

    Military dictionary

  • 112Confusion Matrix — Eine Konfusionsmatrix (oder Wahrheitsmatrix) dient zur Beurteilung eines Klassifikators, indem in einer quadratischen Tabelle die Häufigkeiten des Auftretens für alle möglichen Kombinationen von ermittelter Klasse und tatsächlicher Klasse… …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 113Confusion is Sex — …


  • 114confusion — noun /kənˈfjuːʒən/ a) A lack of clarity or order. b) The state of being confused; not understanding. Syn: discombobulation, bewilderment, disarray Ant …


  • 115confusion — A mental state in which reactions to environmental stimuli are inappropriate because the person is bewildered, perplexed, or unable to orientate himself. [L. confusio, a confounding] * * * con·fu·sion kən fyü zhən n disturbance of consciousness… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 116confusión mental — ► locución SICOLOGÍA Perturbación global, aguda y transitoria de las funciones síquicas …

    Enciclopedia Universal

  • 117confusion colors — different colors that are likely to be mistakenly matched by individuals with defective color vision (e.g., violet and blue with defect of vision for red); for this reason they are combined in the design on charts used for detecting different… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 118confusion — Synonyms and related words: abashment, agitation, aloofness, ambiguity, ambiguousness, amorphia, amorphism, amorphousness, anarchism, anarcho syndicalism, anarchy, antinomianism, assortment, ataxia, babel, baffle, bafflement, balk, bashfulness,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 119Confusion —     Définition de Confusion     Le fait par une personne d acquérir une situation juridique nouvelle qui absorbe les droits et les obligations se référant à sa situation antérieure, se nomme la confusion . Par exemple une personne devient… …

    Lexique de Termes Juridiques

  • 120Confusion des peines —    Droit pénal: modalité d application de la règle dite du non cumul des peines …

    Lexique de Termes Juridiques