happen in

  • 31happen by — phrasal verb happen along or happen by [intransitive] Word forms happen along : present tense I/you/we/they happen along he/she/it happens along present participle happening along past tense happened along past participle happened along old… …

    English dictionary

  • 32happen to — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms happen to : he/she/it happens to present participle happening to past tense happened to past participle happened to 1) a) happen to someone if something happens to you, an event or action takes place which… …

    English dictionary

  • 33happen — [[t]hæ̱pən[/t]] ♦ happens, happening, happened 1) VERB Something that happens occurs or is done without being planned. We cannot say for sure what will happen... The accident happened close to Martha s Vineyard. 2) VERB If something happens, it… …

    English dictionary

  • 34happen — verb 1》 take place; occur. 2》 come about by chance.     ↘chance to do something or come about.     ↘(happen on) come across by chance.     ↘used as a polite formula in questions: do you happen to know who her doctor is? 3》 (happen to) be… …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 35Happen — der Happen, (Aufbaustufe) ugs.: kleines Stück eines Lebensmittels, das man zu sich nimmt Synonyme: Bissen, Brocken, Stückchen Beispiele: Bevor wir gehen, möchte ich noch einen Happen essen. Das Kind nahm einen Happen Brot und ging nach draußen …

    Extremes Deutsch

  • 36happen — Synonyms and related words: be found, be met with, be realized, bechance, become of, befall, betide, break, bump, chance, come, come about, come along, come down, come off, come to pass, come true, come upon, cook, develop, do, encounter,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 37Happen — 1. Bissen, Brocken, kleine Menge, kleines Stück, Mundvoll, Stückchen; (österr. mundartl.): Alzerl. 2. Imbiss, kleine Mahlzeit, Snack, Stärkung. * * * happen:⇨beißen(I,1) Happen 1.ugs.für:Bissen,Brocken,Stück,Stückchen,Mundvoll… …

    Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme

  • 38happen — v. 1) (D; intr.) to happen to (what happened to you?) 2) (E) she happened to be there when we arrived * * * [ hæpən] (E) she happened to be there when we arrived (D; intr.) to happen to (what happened to you?) …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 39Happen — Hạp·pen der; s, ; gespr; 1 eine Kleinigkeit zum Essen, ein kleiner Imbiss ≈ Bissen: Ich habe zwar keinen großen Hunger, aber einen Happen könnte ich schon vertragen 2 ein fetter Happen gespr; eine Sache, bei der man einen großen finanziellen… …

    Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache

  • 40happen*/*/*/ — [ˈhæpən] verb to take place, usually without being planned Syn: occur The accident happened at 4.30 pm yesterday.[/ex] He seemed to be unaware of what was happening around him.[/ex] What happens if I press this button?[/ex] Let s just wait and… …

    Dictionary for writing and speaking English