doctrine of the evolution of ideas

  • 31Friends of the Western Buddhist Order — The Friends of the Western Buddhist Order (FWBO) is an association of Buddhists, and others who follow its path of mindfulness, under the leadership of the Western Buddhist Order. It was founded in the UK in 1967, and describes itself as an… …


  • 32History of the United States Democratic Party — The History of the United States Democratic Party is an account of the oldest political party in the United States and arguably the oldest democratic party in the world. [citation | last=Witcover | first=Jules | year=2003 | chapter=1 | page=3.… …


  • 33The Myth of the Twentieth Century — Alfred Rosenberg The Myth of the Twentieth Century (German: Der Mythus des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts) is a book by Alfred Rosenberg, one of the principal ideologues of the Nazi party and editor of the Nazi paper Völkischer Beobachter …


  • 34The Red Wheelbarrow — William Carlos Williams 1923 poem The Red Wheelbarrow exemplifies the Imagist influenced philosophy of “no ideas but in things”. The poem, written in five minutes or so, is said to portray the scene outside the window of one of Dr. Williams… …


  • 35Creation–evolution controversy — A satirical cartoon from 1882, parodying Darwin s theory of evolution, in response to the publication of The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms. The creation–evolution controversy (also termed the creation vs. evolution… …


  • 36Biology (Philosophy of) in the nineteenth century — Philosophy of biology in the nineteenth century Jagdish Hattiangadi THE PHILOSOPHY OF BIOLOGY The emergence of biology as a unified subject Students of history and of biology share a common delight: as they study the details of any subject, they… …

    History of philosophy

  • 37On the Origin of Species — Origin of Species redirects here. For other uses, see Origin of Species (disambiguation). On the Origin of Species   …


  • 38Fichte and Schilling: the Jena period — Daniel Breazeale FROM KANT TO FICHTE An observer of the German philosophical landscape of the 1790s would have surveyed a complex and confusing scene, in which individuals tended to align themselves with particular factions or “schools,”… …

    History of philosophy

  • 39Archaeology and the Book of Mormon — Part of a series on The Book of Mormon …


  • 40Descartes: metaphysics and the philosophy of mind — John Cottingham THE CARTESIAN PROJECT Descartes is rightly regarded as one of the inaugurators of the modern age, and there is no doubt that his thought profoundly altered the course of Western philosophy. In no area has this influence been more… …

    History of philosophy