1Drug Discrimination. Applications to Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Studies , Young Richard
Drug discrimination: a practical guide to its contributions to the invention of new chemical entities and evaluations of new or known pharmacological agents Drug discrimination can be described as… 13342.2 руб электронная книга2Sensory Discrimination Tests and Measurements. Sensometrics in Sensory Evaluation , Jian Bi
Sensory testing and measurement are the main functions of sensory analysis. In recent years, the sensory and consumer field has evolved to include both difference testing and similarity testing, and… 15824.27 руб электронная книга3Identity and Discrimination , Timothy Williamson
Identity and Discrimination, originally published in 1990 and the first book by respected philosopher Timothy Williamson, is now reissued and updated with the inclusion of significant new material… 2571.66 руб электронная книга4The Second Sexism. Discrimination Against Men and Boys , David Benatar
Does sexism against men exist? What it looks like and why we need to take it seriously This book draws attention to the«second sexism,» where it exists, how it works and what it looks like, and… 8034.98 руб электронная книга5Mental Illness, Discrimination and the Law. Fighting for Social Justice , Norman Sartorius
This book describes clearly how legislation can be used to advance the rights and entitlements of people with mental health problems. Straightforward and practical, it provides useful information on… 9806.65 руб электронная книга6Sensory discrimination in normal and feeble minded children , Peterson Anna M (2011)
Книга представляет собой репринтное издание. Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по… 1639 руб7Microaggressions and Marginality. Manifestation, Dynamics, and Impact , Derald Sue Wing
A landmark volume exploring covert bias, prejudice, and discrimination with hopeful solutions for their eventual dissolution Exploring the psychological dynamics of unconscious and unintentional… 4292.61 руб электронная книга8Challenging the Stigma of Mental Illness. Lessons for Therapists and Advocates , David Roe
Challenging the Stigma of Mental Illness offers practical strategies for addressing the harmful effects of stigma attached to mental illness. It considers both major forms of stigma: public stigma… 9416.17 руб электронная книга9Phonetique En Dialogues Niveau Debutant (+ Audio CD) , Bruno Martinie (2006)
Phon 233;tique en dialogues m 234;le situations dialogu 233;es, d 233;couverte du texte, 233;tude et exercices, et place l'apprentissage dans la r 233;alit 233; de la communication pour… 1593 руб10Phonetique Progressive Du Francais Intermediaire , Lucile Charliac
Niveau interm 233;diaire - 600 exercices. Pour une 233;tude vivante et pratique des sons! La Phon 233;tique progressive s'adresse 224; des adultes et adolescents non francophones, du niveau… 735 руб