call back

  • 21call back unit — A device that, after you connect with a BBS and tell it who you are, will then call your phone number. This is used to make a very secure system to prevent hackers from invading a system. It then becomes very difficult, if not impossible, for a… …

    Dictionary of telecommunications

  • 22call-back modem —    Modem that stores one or more passwords and telephone numbers. When a call is received, the modem prompts the user for a password, hangs up, and redials the pre programmed telephone number associated with the password …

    IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • 23call-back pay — / kɔ:l bæk peɪ/ noun pay given to an employee who has been called back to work after their normal working hours …

    Dictionary of banking and finance

  • 24call-back pay — noun : guaranteed minimum payment to a worker called back for work after completing his regular shift and leaving the plant …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 25call-back — the weir or dam put across a river or stream to turn water to the mill (English dialect) …

    Dictionary of ichthyology

  • 26call back — 1. noun Request for a second interview or audition, following a successful initial interview. 2. verb a) To request someones return. b) To telephone someone again at a more …


  • 27Call-back —   A provision included in some power sale contracts that lets the supplier stop delivery when the power is needed to meet certain other obligations.   California Energy Comission. Dictionary of Energy Terms …

    Energy terms

  • 28Web Call Back — Le web call back, anglicisme parfois traduit en rappel web[1], est un service que certaines entreprises mettent à disposition sur leur site web, par lequel l internaute peut demander à se faire contacter gratuitement par téléphone, afin d obtenir …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 29Web call back — Le web call back, anglicisme parfois traduit en rappel web[1], est un service de mise en relation téléphonique entre un internaute et une entreprise. Proposé par certaines entreprises sur leur site web, ce service permet à l internaute de se… …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 30Call back Funktion — Eine Rückruffunktion (englisch callback function) bezeichnet in der Informatik eine Funktion, die einer anderen Funktion als Parameter übergeben wird, und von dieser unter gewissen Bedingungen aufgerufen wird. Dieses Vorgehen folgt dem… …

    Deutsch Wikipedia