become tender

  • 21Mittelschmerz — Classification and external resources ICD 10 N94 ICD 9 625.2 …


  • 22Mangelwurzel — Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris var. alba …


  • 23Rendang — is a dish which originated from the Minangkabau ethnic group of Indonesia,cite book |last =Owen first =Sri authorlink = coauthors = title =The Rice Book publisher =Doubleday date =1993 location = pages = url = doi = id = isbn =0711222606 ] and is …


  • 24Necrobiosis lipoidica — Classification and external resources ICD 10 L92.1 …


  • 25Hepatitis B vaccine — Vaccine description Target disease Hepatitis B Type Subunit Clinical data AHFS/ mon …


  • 26neuritis — neuritic /noo rit ik, nyoo /, adj. /noo ruy tis, nyoo /, n. Pathol. 1. inflammation of a nerve. 2. continuous pain in a nerve, associated with paralysis and sensory disturbances. [1830 40; NEUR + ITIS] * * * Inflammation of one or several nerves …


  • 27fibrocystic disease of the breast — ▪ mammary gland also called  chronic cystic mastitis , or  cystic disease of the breast         noncancerous cysts (harmless swellings caused by fluid trapped in breast tissues) that often increase in size and become tender during the… …


  • 28sore throat — n painful throat due to inflammation of the fauces and pharynx * * * pain at the back of the mouth, commonly due to bacterial or viral infection of the tonsils (tonsillitis) or the pharynx (pharyngitis). If infection persists the lymph nodes in… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 29benign lymphoepithelial lesion — enlargement of the salivary glands, which sometimes become tender, with infiltration of the parenchyma by polyclonal B cells and T cells, atrophy of acini, and formation of lymphoepithelial islands; usually seen in middle aged women associated… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 30sore throat — pain at the back of the mouth, commonly due to bacterial or viral infection of the tonsils (tonsillitis) or the pharynx (pharyngitis). If infection persists the lymph nodes in the neck may become tender and enlarged (cervical adenitis) …

    The new mediacal dictionary