be stupid

  • 111stupid — [16] As the related stupefy [16] and stupor [17] still do, stupid originally denoted ‘mental numbness’; ‘lack of intelligence’ is a secondary development. It comes via Old French stupide from Latin stupidus, a derivative of stupēre ‘be stunned or …

    Word origins

  • 112stupid-head —    A variant of blockhead. ‘Think it’s the same boy, Stupid head?’ says Blathers, the Bow Street officer to a young man in Dickens’s Oliver Twist …

    A dictionary of epithets and terms of address

  • 113STUPID — Smart Talented Unique Person In Demand (Business » Positions) * Secure Transmitter Unit Platform Integration Directorate (Governmental » Military) …

    Abbreviations dictionary

  • 114stupid — Synonyms and related words: Boeotian, absurd, addled, apish, asinine, backward, balmy, barmy, batty, beef brained, beef witted, beetleheaded, befooled, beguiled, besotted, blear eyed, blear witted, block, blockheaded, blockish, boneheaded,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 115stupid as a two bob watch — Kiwi (New Zealand Slang) used to describe a person who behaves irrationally …

    English dialects glossary

  • 116Stupid — Dum, sløv …

    Danske encyklopædi

  • 117stupid — stu·pi̲d, stu·pi̲·de Adj; geschr pej; 1 ≈ dumm, beschränkt <Menschen> 2 ≈ langweilig, stumpfsinnig <eine Arbeit> || hierzu Stu·pi·di·tä̲t die; ; nur Sg …

    Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache

  • 118stupíd — adj. m., pl. stupízi; f. sg. stupídã, pl. stupíde …

    Romanian orthography

  • 119stupid — stu|pid 〈Adj.〉 = stupide …

    Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • 120stupid — stu|pid (österr. nur so) u. stu|pi|de <über fr. stupide aus gleichbed. lat. stupidus zu stupere »verblüfft, überrascht sein«>: a) dumm, beschränkt; ohne geistige Interessen; b) langweilig, monoton, stumpfsinnig …

    Das große Fremdwörterbuch