active relations
1Economic crisis: who is to blame and what to do , Николай Игнатьевич Конюхов (2018)
This book reveals the interconnection of the economic crisis and the cyclic process of the changes of the relations in the elite and the economically active population of such psychotypes as social… 299 руб электронная книга2The implementation of the economic cycle: freedom, trust, duty , Николай Камзин (2012)
Existentialism proclaims the idea of a man present, performing a search for meaning, making choices, self-determining in its relation to reality, possessing an active subjective entity. In the… 89.9 руб электронная книга3Theory and practical aspects of Internationa settlements. Economic cooperation , Николай Камзин (2011)
As part of the dynamics of international economic cooperation by the need for mutual settlement operations, so the problem of organization of settlements is an important place for the economically… 69.9 руб электронная книга4Thomas Reid , Alexander Campbell Fraser (1898)
1898. This little book is an attempt to present Reid in a fresh light, and in his relations to present-day thought. It deals with the Scottish chapter in that enduring alternation between agnostic… 680 руб5Mediated Cosmopolitanism. The World of Television News , Alexa Robertson
Media power in the global era has to do with how people understand the world, their place in it, and their relation to the others who populate it. Making connections with distant places and people is… 5069.18 руб электронная книга6Food Security , Bryan McDonald L.
Throughout history, human societies have struggled to ensure that all people have access to sufficient food to lead active and healthy lives. Despite great global effort, events of the early 21st… 5459.42 руб электронная книга7LaClasse A2. Cahier d'activites , Sanchez Claire (2018)
Cahier d'activit 233;s de LaClasse, nouvelle m 233;thode en fran 231;ais langue 233;trang 232;re (FLE) pour grands adolescent, niveau A2. LaClasse, la communication au service de l'action… 986 руб8LaClasse B1. Cahier d'activites , Sanchez Claire (2018)
Cahier d'activit 233;s de LaClasse, nouvelle m 233;thode en fran 231;ais langue 233;trang 232;re (FLE) pour grands adolescent, niveau B1. LaClasse, la communication au service de l'action… 986 руб9LaClasse B1. Livre de l'eleve (+ DVD) , Bruzy Todd Sophie (2018)
Livre de l' 233;l 232;ve de LaClasse, nouvelle m 233;thode en fran 231;ais langue 233;trang 232;re (FLE) pour grands adolescent, niveau B1. LaClasse, la communication au service de… 1562 руб10LaClasse A2. Methode de francais (+ DVD) , Bruzy Todd Sophie (2018)
Livre de l' 233;l 232;ve de La Classe, nouvelle m 233;thode en fran 231;ais langue 233;trang 232;re (FLE) pour grands adolescent, niveau A2. Le hashtag est un signe marqueur de la… 1562 руб