Draw up

  • 61draw — To draw a firearm or deadly weapon is to point it intentionally. To draw a bead on; to bring into line with the bead or fore sight of a rifle and the hind sight; to aim at. The act of a drawer in creating a draft. To draw a bill of exchange,… …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 62draw — 1. verb /dɹɔː,dɹɔ,dɹɑ/ a) To sketch; depict with lines; to produce a picture with pencil, crayon, chalk, etc. on paper, cardboard, etc. Lys shuddered, and I put my …


  • 63draw — 1) n British a. tobacco. In this sense the word, derived from the action of inhaling, dates from the 1950s. It occurs in prison jargon in particular. b. cannabis (hashish or marihuana). Since the mid 1970s this word has been in vogue for smokable …

    Contemporary slang

  • 64draw — v 1. pull, tug, magnetize, Physiol. adduct; tow, haul, lug, drag, yank, hale; take in tow, lead, Naut. warp, Naut. kedge. 2. pull out, take out, extract, bring out; unsheathe, bare, produce, pull a gun. 3. attract, allure, invite, lure, entice;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 65draw — /drɔ:/ verb 1. to take money away ● to draw money out of an account ♦ to draw a salary to have a salary paid by the company ● The chairman does not draw a salary. 2. to write a cheque ● He paid the invoice with a cheque drawn on an Egyptian bank …

    Marketing dictionary in english

  • 66draw — /drɔ:/ verb 1. to take money away ● to draw money out of an account ♦ to draw a salary to have a salary paid by the company ● The chairman does not draw a salary. 2. to write a cheque ● He paid the invoice with a cheque drawn on an Egyptian bank …

    Dictionary of banking and finance

  • 67draw up — verb a) To compose a document, especially one having a standard form I asked my lawyer to draw up a new will. b) To arrange in order or formation Sergeant, please draw the men up in ranks of three …


  • 68draw in — phr verb Draw in is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑train Draw in is used with these nouns as the object: ↑breath, ↑moisture, ↑viewer …

    Collocations dictionary

  • 69draw on — phr verb Draw on is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑writer Draw on is used with these nouns as the object: ↑cigar, ↑cigarette, ↑experience, ↑expertise, ↑fund, ↑imagery, ↑influence, ↑pipe, ↑reserve, ↑ …

    Collocations dictionary

  • 70draw up — phr verb Draw up is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑cab, ↑car Draw up is used with these nouns as the object: ↑agenda, ↑blacklist, ↑blanket, ↑blueprint, ↑border, ↑budget, ↑chair, ↑charter, ↑ …

    Collocations dictionary