Depend on

  • 31depend on — I v. 1. [To be undecided] Syn. be pending, be under advisement, be uncertain, be doubtful, hang in suspense, be awaiting the issue, hang in the balance*, hang by a thread*. 2. [To be contingent] Syn. be Dependent on, be determined by, rest with,… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 32depend — 01. He [depends] on his parents to support him while he is studying at university. 02. My car may be ugly, but it s certainly [dependable]. In fact, I haven t had a problem with it in over five years. 03. He is a good friend of mine, very helpful …

    Grammatical examples in English

  • 33depend — [15] To depend on something is literally to ‘hang down’ from it. The word comes, via Old French dependre, from Latin dēpendēre, a compound verb formed from the prefix dē ‘down’ and pendēre ‘hang’ (source of English pendant, pendulum, penthouse,… …

    The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • 34depend on — 1. Rely upon, rest upon, confide in, trust to, count upon, reckon upon, build upon, depend upon. 2. Be conditioned or dependent on, be contingent upon, require, demand, imply, presuppose …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 35depend — v 1. dangle, pendulate, hang, hang down, droop, draggle, overhand, swing, flap. 2. turn, hinge, be dependent on, be subject to, be contingent upon. 3. depend on trust in, rely on, count on, lean on; swear by, bank on, pin one s faith on, have… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 36depend — [15] To depend on something is literally to ‘hang down’ from it. The word comes, via Old French dependre, from Latin dēpendēre, a compound verb formed from the prefix dē ‘down’ and pendēre ‘hang’ (source of English pendant, pendulum, penthouse,… …

    Word origins

  • 37depend — v.intr. 1 (often foll. by on, upon) be controlled or determined by (success depends on hard work; it depends on whether they agree; it depends how you tackle the problem). 2 (foll. by on, upon) a be unable to do without (depends on her mother). b …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 38Depend on You — Single by Ayumi Hamasaki from the album A Song for ×× B side Two of Us …


  • 39Depend on You — (écrit : Depend on you) est le titre de quatre singles de Ayumi Hamasaki, sortis sous divers formats, avec des contenus différents liés à une même chanson originale homonyme : le mini CD original japonais en 1998, un disque vinyle maxi… …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 40depend on/upon — [phrasal verb] depend on/upon (someone or something) 1 : to be determined or decided by (something) We re not sure if we ll have the picnic. It depends on the weather. [=if the weather is good we will have the picnic] “Will you go back to… …

    Useful english dictionary