- army
- n.
1) to command, lead; drill, train; rally an army
2) to mobilize, raise an army
3) to equip, supply an army
4) to array, commit, deploy, field; concentrate, mass an army
5) to inspect, muster, review an army
6) to encircle, envelop, surround; outfight; outflank; outmaneuver; overrun; surprise an army
7) to crush, decimate, defeat, rout an army; to put an army to flight
8) to demobilize, disband an army
9) a rebel; regular, standing; territorial; volunteer army
10) an advancing; conquering; defeated; occupation, occupying; retreating; victorious army
11) an army advances; attacks; conducts war, engages in combat, fights; pulls back, retreats, withdraws
12) (misc.) to join the army
* * *['ɑːmɪ]attacksconducts warconqueringdefeateddeploydisband an armydrawn up in full armyengages in combatfightsimpressive armymass an armyoccupyingoutfightoutflankoutmaneuverpulls backraise an armyrally an armyregularretreatingretreatsreview an armyrout an armysupply an armysurprise an armysurroundterritorialto put an army to flightvictorious armyvolunteer armywithdraws(misc.) to join the army['display'] an imposing['order'] in battle armya rebelan advancingan army advancesto arrayto commandto crush. decimateto demobilizeto encircleto equipto inspectto mobilize
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.