- hungry
- adj.
1) (cannot stand alone) hungry for (hungry for news)
2) to go hungry
* * *['hʌŋgrɪ]to go hungry(cannot stand alone) hungry for (hungry for news)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.
1) (cannot stand alone) hungry for (hungry for news)
2) to go hungry
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.
Hungry — Hungry, Hungry Homer Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Hungry, Hungry Homer Episodio de Los Simpson Episodio n.º Temporada 12 Episodio 262 Código de producción CABF09 Guionista(s) John Swartzwelder Director … Wikipedia Español
Hungry — Студийный альбом Brainstorm Дата выпуска 14 апреля … Википедия
Hungry — Hun gry, a. [Compar. {Hungrier}; superl. {Hungriest}.] [AS. hungrid. See {Hunger}.] 1. Feeling hunger; having a keen appetite; feeling uneasiness or distress from want of food; hence, having an eager desire. [1913 Webster] 2. Showing hunger or a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
-hungry — suffix ► having a great need or wish for the stated thing: »capital /cash /money hungry energy /power hungry »The energy hungry transportation sector was weak . »Many of its investors had been expecting the acquisition hungry bank to move… … Financial and business terms
hungry — UK US /ˈhʌŋgri/ adjective ► having a great need or wish for something: hungry for sth »Analysts said investors were hungry for any information that could point the market in a direction. »We need to attract fresh talent and show the world that we … Financial and business terms
-hungry — [ hʌŋgri ] suffix used with some nouns to make adjectives meaning wanting or needing a particular thing: power hungry politicians We are job hungry in Scotland and we need this money … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
-hungry — UK [ˈhʌŋɡri] US suffix used with some nouns to make adjectives meaning wanting or needing a particular thing power hungry politicians We are job hungry in Scotland and we need this money. Thesaurus: suffixeshyponym … Useful english dictionary
hungry — O.E. hungrig hungry, famished; see HUNGER (Cf. hunger) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Cf. O.Fris. hungerig, Du. hongerig, Ger. hungrig. Figurative use from c.1200. Related: Hungrily … Etymology dictionary
hungry — ► ADJECTIVE (hungrier, hungriest) 1) feeling or showing hunger. 2) (often hungry for) having a strong desire. DERIVATIVES hungrily adverb hungriness noun … English terms dictionary
hungry — [huŋ′grē] adj. hungrier, hungriest [ME < OE hungrig] 1. feeling, having, or showing hunger; specif., a) wanting or needing food b) craving; eager [hungry for praise] 2. Rare producing hunger 3 … English World dictionary
hungry — [adj] starving; desirous athirst, avid, carnivorous, could eat a horse*, covetous, craving, eager, edacious, empty, esurient, famished, famishing, flying light*, got the munchies*, greedy, hankering, hoggish, hollow, hungered, insatiate, keen,… … New thesaurus