- front
- I
adv. to face front
1) at, on the front (the war correspondents spent two days at the front; there has been no activity on this front)
area of activity2) the home; political front
3) on a front (on the home front)
advanced part4) at the front of; in front of
movementcampaign5) a popular; united front (to present a united front)
6) a cold; occluded; stationary; warm front
walk, road along a body of water(BE)
7) a river; sea front
8) along a front (to walk along the sea front)
9) on a front (is there a hotel on the sea front?)
behavior10) to put on, put up a front
11) a bold, brazen front (to put on a bold front)
facade12) a front for (the store was a front for illegal drug sales)
IIIv.1)(d; intr.) to front for (to front for the mob)
2) (d; intr.) to front on (our building fronts on the main road)
* * *[frʌnt]in front ofoccludedpolitical frontput up a frontsea frontstationaryon the front (the war correspondents spent two days at the front; there has been no activity on this front)united front (to present a united front)brazen front (to put on a bold front)['advanced part'] at the front of['area of activity'] the home['behavior'] tb put on['boundary'] (meteorology) a cold['front line'] (mil.) at['movement'] ['campaign'] a popular['walk, road along a body of water'] (BE) a rivera boldto face fronton a front' (is there a hotel on the sea • front ?)on a front (on the home front)(d; intr.) to front on (our building fronts on the main road)['facade'] a front for (the store was a front for illegal drug sales)along a front (to walk along the sea front)(d;intr.) to front for (to front for the mob)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.