

1) to mint, strike coins

2) to drop a coin (into a slot)

3) to spin a coin; or: to flip, throw, toss a coin (in order to decide an issue) (they tossed a coin to decide who would go first)

4) to collect coins

5) antique; counterfeit; gold; metal; rare; silver; valuable coins

6) (misc.) common coin ('smt. that is widely known'); to pay back in the same coin ('to treat smb. as he or she has treated others')

* * *
or: to flip
strike coins
valuable coins
to pay back in the same coin ('to treat smb. as he or she has treated others')
toss a coin (they tossed a coin to decide who would go first; in order to decide an issue)
to collect coins
to mint
to spin a coin
(misc.) common coin ('smt. that is widely known')
to drop a coin (into a slot)

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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