

1) to make a break (for safety)


2) a mass; prison break


3) to make a break

4) a break in, with (a break in the conversation; to make a break with tradition)


5) to have (esp. BE), take a break

6) a coffee; news; station (AE); tea (esp. BE) break

7) during, on a break



8) to give smb. a break

good fortune

9) to get a break

10) a lucky; unexpected break

11) a tax break


1) (B) ('to communicate') I had to break the news to them

2) (D; intr.) ('to curl and fall') to break against, on (the waves were breaking against the rocks)

3) (d; intr.) ('to dash') to break for (to break for cover)

4) (d; intr.) ('to take time') to break for (they broke for lunch)

5) (d; intr.) ('to enter forcibly') to break into (burglars broke into the house)

6) (d; intr.) ('to begin') to break into (to break into song)

7) (d; tr.) ('to cure') to break of (in time he was broken of his drug habit)

8) (D; tr.) ('to crack') to break on (she broke a tooth on a bone)

9) (d; intr.) ('to escape') to break out of (two prisoners broke out of jail; our troops broke out of the encirclement)

10) (d; intr.) ('to penetrate') to break through (to break through enemy lines)

11) (d; intr.) ('to end relations') to break with (I broke with them)

12) (D; tr.) ('to cut off') to break with (she broke all ties with her friends)

13) (misc.) to break loose; to break smb. on the wheel

* * *
on a break
prison break
take a break
tea (esp. BE) break
to break smb. on the wheel
unexpected break
station (AE)
with (a break in the conversation; to make a break with tradition)
on (the waves were breaking against the rocks)
(B) ('to communicate') I had to break the news to them
(D; intr.) ('to curl and fall') to break against
(misc.) to break loose
['escape'] a mass
['good fortune'] to get a break
['interruption'] to make a break
['opportunity'] (colloq.) to give smb. a break
a coffee
a lucky
a tax break
a break in
(d; intr.) ('to end relations') to break with (I broke with them)
(d; intr.) ('to enter forcibly') to break into (burglars broke into the house)
['rest'] to have (esp. BE)
['dash'] to make a break (for safety)
(d; tr.) ('to cure') to break of (in time he was broken of his drug habit)
(D; tr.) ('to crack') to break on (she broke a tooth on a bone)
(D; tr.) ('to cut off) to break with (she broke all ties with her friends)
(d; intr.) ('to take time') to break for (they broke for lunch)
(d; intr.) ('to dash') to break for (to break for cover)
(d; intr.) ('to begin') to break into (to break into song)
(d; intr.) ('to penetrate') to break through (to break through enemy lines)
(d; intr.) ('to escape') to break out of (two prisoners broke out of jail; our troops broke out of the encirclement)

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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